What is the next step? Hacking brains, dreams, ideas? Which one?
@Nowadays many C- class managers speaking two words — Cyber Security
What is the Security or Cyber Security?
Security consists of three parts;
1. Network Based Security (in past)
2. Data Security or Cyber Security (ongoing)
3. Intellectual Property Rights Security (in Future)
The companies up to today, have protected their networks or their devices from the hackers or malicious. For many years the security used to mean protecting the devices or networks for the companies. All the security professionals thought only “How should we protect our network” and improved their solutions accordingly.
This is the first stage. In this stage security professionals are used to the Firewall, anti-spam, anti-virus. I call this period “Network Based Security” stage. It is an easy protection stage. The Network professionals have protected only their network from malicious. But in a short time, a lot of hackers attacked these networks and passed that security barrier. They captured valuable data from these companies.
With data becoming more valuable in the world, non-ethical hacking has started to improve in the world. In this period meaning nowadays, malicious like hackers have started to use social engineering. That people who didn’t pass the strengthened network protection, they have started to put their Trojan in. That Trojan consists of a piece of program. But they are putting this Trojan in by social engineering method, in other words, by the method of taking advantage of an internal employee’s mistake or failure to protect passwords. So, that Trojan captures all the important trade or personal data and sends to the malicious. This is the second stage.
In this stage a lot of trade war occurs between competitor companies or countries. Because usually the malicious who make these attacks are supported by own countries. Security professionals are trying to protect this data from the malicious persons/companies. Actually, it is relatively easy, because this malicious are behind of the door. Security professionals are creating a set of rules and logging all the action on the network.
In this stage, a kind of attack has been improved in the world which is called as DDoS. In fact, the purpose of this attack is to prevent companies from working. There are two different DDoS attack being in progress. One of them is only from one point to another point with fake IP, the other is made from a lot of points/clients with Trojan program. In this attack, the IP is real but the attack comes from a lot of IP. The operator or ISP companies have already improved their technical backbone for these attacks. I call this period “Data Security or Cyber Security”
Ultimately, in the next generation, I guess the malicious people will try to find other creative ways to hack the intellectual property. Therefore, in this period, the companies keep their important and confidential data in a device. So, the malicious can find a method of hack for this data. I think this is very easy for a hacker. In the next step, I think people who have very important ideas will hold these thoughts in their brains. Malicious will want to access them. Therefore, new generation hackers will hack people brain. We will call this period “Intellectual Property Rights Security” I think the people who will protect the Intellectual Property Rights should try to find a new method for data security. Otherwise, our data and ideas are not secure enough.